[Writing] AND ((((Sampling))))


The probabilistic operations of text-image models bypass the formal authority promised by prompt writing. As a result, our retinal phototransduction and cerebral processes no longer recognize figures that have been modeled by language, but try to accommodate sub-symbolic statistical approximations operated by an organism foreign to our own. Knowing that, an aesthetic exploration of text-image model is less about shaping representations through wirtten descriptions than influencing the weighting of potential future visual approximations calculated by the algorithm : for example, by a system of brackets and parentheses applied to sections of automatically generated prompts, as well as by additional inductive biases such as edge detection. At the same time, the use of a denoising algorithm to subsample the generated visual results (and thus make them noisy) reveals the tension between the formal autonomy of the algorithm and the human attempt to blindly sculpt the visual results by improvising a reorientation of the generative process at each iteration.

Les opérations probabilistes des modèles texte-image contournent l'autorité formelle promise par l'écriture des prompts. En conséquence, notre phototransduction rétinienne et nos processus cérébraux ne reconnaissent plus des figures qui ont été modelées par le langage, mais tentent de s’accomoder aux approximations statistiques sub-symboliques opérées par un organisme étranger au nôtre. Sachant cela, une exploration esthétique des modèles texte-image consiste moins à façonner des représentations par le biais de descriptions écrites qu'à influencer la pondération des futures approximations visuelles calculées par l'algorithme : par exemple, par un système de crochets et de parenthèses appliqué à des sections des prompts générés automatiquement, ainsi que par des biais inductifs supplémentaires tels qu’un filtre de détection de contours. Parallèlement, l'usage d'un algorithme de débruitage de manière à sous-échantillonner les résultats visuels générés (et donc à les rendre bruyants) permet de montrer la tension entre l'autonomie formelle de l'algorithme et la tentative humaine de sculpter aveuglément les résultats visuels en improvisant une réorientation du processus génératif à chaque itération.

Each generated image becomes the input for the next generation, and each image that has been generated is retained as an input in the edge detection filter. In addition, each automatically generated prompt based on new input images is implemented in subsequent prompts.

Chaque image générée devient l'entrée de la génération suivante, et chaque image générée est conservée comme entrée dans le filtre de détection des contours. En outre, chaque prompt généré automatiquement sur la base de nouvelles images d'entrée est intégré dans les prompts suivants.

Recursive process :

ambiguous figure of an old woman and young woman, black and white optical illusion, perceptual phenomenon

((ambiguous figure)) AND [old woman and young woman], (((black and white optical illusion))) AND perceptual phenomenon, a black and, white photo of a woman, [with her hair in a bunt style ponytail and a black and white background], [llustration], an ultrafine detailed painting AND [figuration libre]

((ambiguous figure)) AND [old woman and young woman], (((black and white optical illusion))) AND perceptual phenomenon, a black and, white photo of a woman, [with her hair in a bunt style ponytail and a black and white background], [llustration], an ultrafine detailed painting AND [figuration libre], [a drawing of a woman with a black hat and a black jacket on her head and a white background], amano ((((bones)))), a drawing AND neo-expressionism

((ambiguous figure)) AND [old woman and young woman], (((black and white optical illusion))) AND perceptual phenomenon, a black and, white photo of a woman, [with her hair in a bunt style ponytail and a black and white background], [llustration], an ultrafine detailed painting AND [figuration libre], [a drawing of a woman with a black hat and a black jacket on her head and a white background], amano ((((bones)))), a drawing AND neo-expressionism AND a black and white photo of a person, (((with a cell phone in their hand))) [and a blurry], background AND brush stroke

((ambiguous figure)) AND [old woman and young woman], (((black and white optical illusion))) AND perceptual phenomenon, a black and, white photo of a woman, [with her hair in a bunt style ponytail and a black and white background], [llustration], an ultrafine detailed painting AND [figuration libre], [a drawing of a woman with a black hat and a black jacket on her head and a white background], amano ((((bones)))), a drawing AND neo-expressionism AND a black and white photo of a person, (((with a cell phone in their hand))) [and a blurry], background AND brush stroke, [a man] with a hat and glasses is looking, at something in the distance [with a blurry background of him], (((((rembrandt style))))), (((((ukiyo-e)))))

((ambiguous figure)) AND [old woman and young woman], (((black and white optical illusion))) AND perceptual phenomenon, a black and, white photo of a woman, [with her hair in a bunt style ponytail and a black and white background], [llustration], an ultrafine detailed painting AND [figuration libre], [a drawing of a woman with a black hat and a black jacket on her head and a white background], amano ((((bones)))), a drawing AND neo-expressionism AND a black and white photo of a person, (((with a cell phone in their hand))) [and a blurry], background AND brush stroke, [a man] with a hat and glasses is looking, at something in the distance [with a blurry background of him], (((((rembrandt style))))), (((((ukiyo-e))))), [a man with], (a hat and glasses) AND ((((in a picture with a blue background and a black and white photo)))), [manga and anime], (((((((1 9 9 9))))))), ((digital art))

[((ambiguous figure)) AND [old woman and young woman], (((black and white optical illusion))) AND perceptual phenomenon, a black and, white photo of a woman, [with her hair in a bunt style ponytail and a black and white background], [llustration], an ultrafine detailed painting AND [figuration libre], [a drawing of a woman with a black hat and a black jacket on her head and a white background], amano ((((bones)))), a drawing AND neo-expressionism AND a black and white photo of a person, (((with a cell phone in their hand))) [and a blurry], background AND brush stroke, [a man] with a hat and glasses is looking, at something in the distance [with a blurry background of him], (((((rembrandt style))))), (((((ukiyo-e))))), [a man with], (a hat and glasses) AND ((((in a picture with a blue background and a black and white photo)))), [manga and anime], (((((((1 9 9 9))))))), ((digital art))] AND ((((((((a japenese man with a hat and glasses in a black and white photo with a blue background and a square frame)))))))), ((((((((((chromatic aberration)))))))))), digital art, ((((((((((sōsaku hanga))))))))))


[Writing] AND ((((Sampling)))) (2) : LIAR


Disociascope X (Narcissus serie)